
Don’t Get The Rona Blues!

I keep seeing posts on social media about how people are bored during this pandemic because they are at home and starting to feel depressed. I want to make a list of fun things you can do to keep yourself from getting the Rona-Blues.

Stay Positive
There is so much going on right now and there are so many people sick or suffering. There are so so so so many things to be thankful for. One of the best tricks for re-wiring your brain is to write down or think of at least 3 things your thankful for each day. I take several walks every day so my doggy can do her thing but on my first walk, I try to focus on things I’m grateful for and it really sets the tone for the day. Maybe this is something you could do while you brush your teeth if you don’t go for a morning walk. I’m telling you, you can tell a difference.

Start a Blog
Is there something you’re passionate about? It is super easy to get a free WordPress site and start writing away. Maybe you’ll find something that has been inspiring you like cooking or getting healthy? It’s a great way to learn more about something and get support or inspiration.

Go to Virtual Disneyland
If you type “Virtual Disneyland Attractions” into YouTube there are so many to pick from. We did this the other evening and ended up doing that for a couple of hours. It brought back a lot of memories and cool ideas for our next visit.

Go to a Virtual Concert
We had a big concert planned for April in Vegas that we weren’t able to make. So, we typed “Live Tiger Army Concert” into YouTube and there were so many videos to enjoy. It’s not the same but still pretty cool and can give you something different to do on a night in.

Yard Cleanup
We’ve been working on our yard lately and it feels pretty good to have all of the weeds pulled and the pretty patio furniture out to enjoy in the evenings. If only we knew how to grill it would be even better. #Goals

Free Online Tutorials
Wow, almost all of my posts are YouTube related but it’s endless with opportunities. I recently taught myself Adobe XD using YouTube and LinkedIn Learning. It only took me a couple of videos to get the hang of it since it’s pretty similar to other Adobe products but I love it now and it was so much fun to learn a new program. Might as well build your professional skills right now with any extra free-time. I know there are a lot of other companies out there offering free classes too, just look around.

Spring Cleaning
I know a lot of you will drag your feet on this one but if you’re in your house 24-7 now the best thing you can do is tidy things up so it’s more enjoyable. If you’re anything like me, messes clutter your mind and make it hard to focus so I really enjoy a clean house and office. You also might want to make room for all of your toilet paper and canned goods by getting rid of old things, haha. I ran into a good quote the other day it said “Everything needs to have value and a place” and I love it. It makes me want to purge my things once again. I’ve purged my stuff so many times moving across the country. I don’t have much left other than exactly what I need, but I’ve gotten pretty comfortable being in a house and trying to stay minimalistic with the fear of moving.

Plan Your Next Trip
What better time than now to plan your next trip? Your research can get you and your entire family excited. Also, the more research you do the more random cool things you’ll run across. There have been so many times I visited a place and then weeks later I find out about a hidden gem.

Jam Time
I talked about purging your stuff why not purge your old junker playlists and make some cool new ones? Maybe cruise the pandora/radio option and see if you can find new bands out there you might like. You’ll thank me one day. #RockOn

Complete a Puzzle
This is a lot of fun to do that is different than binge-watching Tiger King all night. My tip is to make sure your puzzle is up off the ground or your neck will hurt, I speak from experience, unfortunately.

Learn an Instrument
Oh, look, another YouTube shoutout. I sear, I don’t work for them or anything. There are so many videos out there to learn cool things like how to play your guitar.

Wash Your Car
I recently did this the other day and I feel like I have a brand new car! I always keep things pretty tidy but I went through with a fine-tooth comb and a vacuum. Feels amazing to have a clean car, also it wouldn’t hurt you to wipe stuff down to lower your risk of getting The Rona.

Call Friends!
I’ve been trying to make it a daily thing to call 1 real person. FaceTime calls are ok but they just feel so awkward after the first couple of minutes, I’d rather just look like a monster without makeup and visit for a while instead. It will make you feel so much more connected to the real world.

Drive-By Waves
I did this with one of my friends the other day because they were next to my grocery store. After I picked everything up I thought to myself… “I wonder how close Laura is?”… 3 minutes?! I drove to her house and parked at the edge of the driveway and we visited and waved for a little minute. It was safe and so much fun like The Rona was gone and we were able to live normal again. I highly recommend it! I’ve also heard of people meeting up at a food place, ordering food, and then eating in your car while your friend is sitting her car eating too. WAVE WAVE… HI!!!

Spa Day
Just because we are quarantined to our homes it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t feel good. Paint those nails, enjoy a face mask, and try a hair trimming tutorial on YouTube. I used this one and it worked really well, actually. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAmE16ej9IU]

Make Face Masks
Everyone could use a mask right now and it’s pretty easy. Honestly, I think I might do that tomorrow with some extra fabric I have.

Try Meditation or Yoga
I know everyone always puts this stuff off but it really clears your mind and can put you in such a good mood. I didn’t believe it until it happened to me, might as well try it if you’re “bored”.

Color, Paint or Draw
It is always fun to take time to do something creative. It will put you in a good mood and possibly provide you with some pretty artwork.

Become TikTok Famous
I’m only 1/2 kidding about this one. But the fact is, I had a blast learning one of the dances with my boyfriend. We laughed so hard and got an amazing workout in too, I’m still sore. If you would rather watch TikTok videos for hours, that’s an option too because these videos are so good and suck the time right out of your soul. #DoItDontDoItDoIt

Go for a Drive
In my hometown, everyone is “Cruising the Butte” which is basically everyone going up and down the main drag waving at each other. We used to do this in high school and now everyone is out enjoying it. It is pretty cool to see people even if they are just in their car.

Work on your Resume
Now is the time, people. Things are getting a little rough with companies laying people off it won’t hurt to be ready if it happens to you. Especially if you’re a creative person that needs a portfolio or something that could take a long time to design. Get to building that website even if it’s an hour a day. You will be thanking me if things go south.

Wilderness Adventures
I see several of my friends hiking in the Mountains or up in Sedona and it looks like so much fun and I’m so jealous. What a good idea! Just make sure to stay away from people if you see them coming your way.

Work-Related; Think of Ways to Improve Tasks
When things are so busy you almost forget to use the bathroom and you say “I wish we had _____” while pulling your hair out. Now is the time to show some initiative and start doing all that stuff so when you’re busy things will be easier. Templates are your best friend.

Work-Related; Check in on Co-Workers
If your work is going slow because you’re all at home maybe give them a Skype call or send them an IM seeing how they are doing. Who knows, it could lead to some good friendships and maybe even more projects down the road? Also, it feels good to be thought of and maybe that’s something someone needs right now.

Make a Massive To-Do List
I’ve been using my Apple Reminders app to make lists for a while now. I recently made a MASTER to-do list to check out when I’m sitting down on the couch thinking I have free time. All I have to do is look at the list and remember I have things I should take care of first. It also feels good to cross stuff off, if you’re like me. Just an idea! Now is the time to start dwindling down your to-do list!

Clean Your Inbox!!!!!
This is also a personal thing but I always keep my inbox set to “0 messages”. I always sort everything so it is easy to find. If your inbox is 5,000 NOW IS THE TIME to clean that baby out! If you receive several of the same emails set up a rule for them to be moved into the same folder automatically to save you time.

Unsubscribe From Emails
I never realized how many things I was signed up for until I received the COVID-19 email updates from EVERY company on the planet. Thank you, now I know who I need to unsubscribe from. This will also help with the idea listed above on keeping your inbox cleaned up.

Update Your User Passwords
It’s time to digitally spring clean as well! Your password could probably use an update to keep you safe. You’re welcome for this tip when you DON’T get hacked in the future.

Sit Outside & Catch Some Rays
If all of this locked inside stuff is stressing you out just the act of sitting outside can really turn your day around and I highly recommend it. Disclaimer: Be smart and remember to wear sunscreen!

Adopt a Pet!!!!!!
So many people are doing this right now and I’m LOVING IT! There are so many animals that need homes and you’re already there 24-7 right now it will be great getting to know each other. It will fill their heart with love having a new home and the fact is, pets can help with depression and anxiety. Do it! I highly recommend Lucky Dog Rescue of Scottsdale! That is where we got our little one, Pixel.

Everyone loves taking photos! I love trying to do a #PhotoADayChallenge and now is a good time to start one. It will give you something to do and look forward to every day.

Fun Dinners or Dinner Date
Since we aren’t allowed to eat inside restaurants, one of my favs, why not put up some candles for dinner with your love and pretend you’re at one of your favorite restaurants having fun. For us, that would be Macayoes so the candles would be sombreros… whatever makes you excited! I’ve also been seeing families do theme night for dinner and making TikTok videos with it, I LOVE it and I bet it’s so much fun.

Alone Time
This doesn’t really apply to my situation since there are only 2 of us here and one of us is still having to actually leave to work but if you’re a big family or a family with children I really REALLY think you need to have a little time for yourself. Maybe go for a drive, a walk, or maybe put your headphones on; that playlist will come in handy for this. I have so many friends that are dealing with this and it’s starting to get to them. Maybe go outside ALONE and wash the cars? Some people really need their own time to de-stress. Be sure to take care of yourself!

I had a lot of fun making this list. It makes me happy I have something to share with people if they are starting to feel down or bored. If you can think of anything else, share below so everyone can see!
