
E-Commerce Websites

Even though I’m a designer I’ve had the opportunity to work with some pretty fancy E-Commerce websites in my day. E-Commerce sounds a little scary, I know, but it’s actually pretty cool and easy for anyone to use.

Who remembers myspace? E-Commerce websites slightly resemble the myspace biography information setup… without all of the awesome glitter puppy dog backgrounds. It takes a while to figure out what happens when you click a button or enter in a price in a certain spot, but once you get going it’s a breeze to setup new products.

When I was a website designer for CDrom2go.com I would add new products to our website. It was a pretty cool process! I would get the new product, take fancy glamour shot photos, edit them in Adobe Photoshop, upload them to our site, and finally I would add descriptions and price. I became really familiar with all of our products and it was really fun to see something from the start to finish.

Learn More about E-Commerce Websites: Click Here
